Taco Bell & legal cannabis by the numbers

The numbers… short and sweet…

In 2016, legal cannabis sales in the US totaled appx $6.7 Billion. Obviously in 2016 there were less legal states and most were just Medical as opposed to today, where there are states flipping the canna-switch everyday.

Well 2018 saw an increase as a result of more legal states, far easier access and threshold for access to the medicine. 2018 saw $10.4 Billion in combined Medical and Recreational sales, which is equal to the gross revenue for Taco Bell the same year. So hold onto your chalupas, because cannabis is going to surpass McDonald’s, the NFL, and probably all other industry leaders as domestic and global acceptance grows. The main competition will always be spirits and wine products, with tobacco being close but in decline as more people quit cigarettes. However, globally those numbers will vary as Asia and Europe continue to suck down the cancer sticks.

Other numbers…

The cannabis industry added 64,000 jobs in 2018.

Investors poured in nearly $10 billion.

As of 2019, cannabis has created 211,000 jobs in the US.

Dave Gittleson